Apr 28, 2016
In another crushing blow to those who were expecting this to be Seattle's year to beat the rest of Major League Soccer into a whimpering, shivering pulp, the Sounders put up a giant turd in Commerce City.
This weekend they have a chance to prove that we can only beat Eastern Conference teams. Get to it boys!
Apr 18, 2016
Is it really as bad as some are making it out to be or is there some great master plan at work that some can't seem to realize.
A sloppy win and a trip to the snowy arctic tundra that is Commerce City are discussed as well as a new league in the Fantasy League for head to head action.
Apr 12, 2016
We start slow from our return to the mainland, then as the topics start to flow (from Montreal to Houston to Philly to the Fantasy League and finally to the scourge of the league) we get seriously animated.
And we talk about soccer sometimes too.