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Sounders Pow Wow

Three season ticket holders of the Seattle Sounders FC podcast themselves reviewing, predicting and speculating about the boys in Rave Green and other goings on throughout Major League Soccer.

May 31, 2019

Our trip to Kansas City...marred by Johnny being Johnny and our defense being helpful to his cause.

An upcoming road trip to Frisco and Montreal and playing Portland in Tacoma. All without many players available.

What does the future hold? We speculate wildly.

And talk of restaurants.

May 23, 2019

Although it has been far too long since last we released an episode, we have braved the long night (and travels and sickness) and return bigger than ever (just ask Jonathon's waist).

A fond farewell to Dad Marshall, a short discussion of the upcoming match, questions answered, fantasy league lamented and stories about...